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How to Stay Safe During an Earthquake: Lessons from Lisbon's Recent Tremors

On the early morning of August 26th, 2024, a powerful M5.4 earthquake struck in the North Atlantic Ocean, 84 kilometers south-southwest of Lisbon, Portugal.

Although the epicenter was offshore, the tremors were felt by nearly 4.8 million people across Portugal and parts of Spain, with significant shaking reported in Lisbon and nearby towns.

This event serves as a stark reminder of Lisbon’s vulnerability to seismic activity, echoing memories of the devastating earthquake of 1755, which reshaped the city and its history.

What to do during an earthquake, earthquake in

Understanding the Recent Earthquake

The recent earthquake, occurring at a shallow depth of 18 kilometers beneath the sea, caused light to moderate shaking across a vast region, with a maximum intensity of VI on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale. While this earthquake resulted in minimal damage, the shaking was reported by residents in four different countries, including Portugal, Spain, Morocco, and the Netherlands.

Given the region's history and the unpredictable nature of earthquakes, it is crucial to know how to respond effectively when one occurs.

Before an Earthquake Strikes

Preparation is key to minimizing the risks associated with earthquakes. Here are some steps you can take to stay safe:

  1. Assemble an Emergency Kit: Include water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit, medications, important documents, and a portable radio. Having these supplies on hand can be crucial in the aftermath of an earthquake, especially if there is a disruption in services.

  2. Secure Your Home: Anchor heavy furniture, water heaters, and gas appliances to walls. Place heavy objects on lower shelves and install latches on cabinets to prevent contents from spilling out.

  3. Develop an Emergency Plan: Know the safest places in each room of your home or workplace, such as under sturdy tables or against interior walls. Practice earthquake drills regularly with your family or colleagues.

During an Earthquake

When an earthquake strikes, quick and decisive action can make all the difference:

  1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to your hands and knees to prevent being knocked over, cover your head and neck with your arms, and if possible, take shelter under a sturdy desk or table. Hold on until the shaking stops. If you are outside, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines.

  2. Stay Indoors if You Are Inside: Do not run outside during the shaking. Many injuries occur when people try to move during the earthquake. Stay away from windows, glass, and anything that could fall.

  3. If You Are Trapped: Try to remain calm. Protect your mouth, nose, and eyes from dust by using your clothing. Signal for help with a whistle or tap on a pipe or wall at regular intervals to help rescuers locate you.

After an Earthquake

After the initial shaking has stopped, it's important to remain cautious and vigilant:

  1. Check for Injuries and Damage: Provide first aid if necessary and check for gas leaks, water leaks, or electrical shorts. If you smell gas, turn off the main gas valve, open windows, and leave the building immediately.

  2. Be Prepared for Aftershocks: These smaller quakes can occur minutes, hours, or even days after the main event. Aftershocks can cause additional damage to weakened structures, so stay alert and be ready to drop, cover, and hold on again.

  3. Follow Local News and Alerts: Stay informed by listening to the radio or following instructions from local authorities. They will provide guidance on whether it is safe to stay in your current location or if evacuation is necessary.

Learning from Lisbon’s History

Lisbon is no stranger to earthquakes. The 1755 earthquake, estimated at a magnitude of 8.5-9.0, remains one of the deadliest in history, causing massive destruction and a tsunami that reached far across the Atlantic. This event changed the landscape of the city and led to the development of new construction techniques and disaster planning strategies that have influenced modern seismology.

The recent earthquake in 2024, though less severe, serves as a reminder of the importance of preparation and awareness. While scientific advances allow us to understand and predict the potential impact of earthquakes better, nature's unpredictability demands that we remain vigilant and prepared at all times.

Importance of Staying Informed

At, we believe it is crucial to stay informed about natural events like earthquakes, even though they are outside the scope of our business services. Our goal is to help create awareness and support people in understanding how to stay safe during such events.

Awareness and preparedness are key in minimizing the impact of natural disasters. We encourage everyone to follow reliable sources for updates and to know the necessary steps to take in the event of an earthquake.

For more information on earthquake safety, please consult official resourses or call emergency 112.

Remember, the key to safety during an earthquake is preparation, awareness, and swift, calm action.

Stay safe, stay prepared, and help spread awareness in your community.

Who is is a premier boutique property and design agency based in Lisbon, founded by Belgian designer Kurt de Leeuw in 2017. Supported by a globally-inspired team, we guide clients through every stage of their home journey, from property acquisition to bespoke interior design.

We offer specialized property hunting and buyer agent services, ensuring clients find the perfect home that aligns with their vision and lifestyle. Our team meticulously researches and selects properties with strong investment potential, prioritizing locations that offer both aesthetic appeal and sustainable living options

Our design philosophy is minimalist eclectic, combining avant-garde style with a deep commitment to sustainability. We prioritize eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions, creating spaces that are both visually stunning and environmentally responsible, reflecting our dedication to crafting beautiful, planet-friendly homes.


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